Positive Case Reporting

The Covid Reporting Form is found on the Chippewa Valley Website under the Covid 19 Tab located at the top of the Banner.  Here is a link to this location .https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/covid-19/

** Please note that it COULD take up to 24 hours for a response. If the Covid Case is reported on a weekend, the response could be longer, as the Covid assistant will need to review all weekend reports on Monday.

Absent Students/Livestreaming

Only students who have tested positive for Covid 19 and have had a parent complete the Community COVID Reporting Form will be able to livestream their classes.  Quarantine students can access this meeting link in their teachers’ Schoology page.  Please allow up to 24 hours after completing the Community Covid Reporting Form for the Livestream Link to be active.